Japanese Internment Camps/Dear Miss Breed

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This week in class we learn and discussed about the Japanese Internment camps. We first read about what the internment camps were. Learning that the United States used propaganda to convince people that this was a good thing was crazy to me. It is a very scary thing that the government can do that. The camps themselves were very crowded. It was very shocking to read some stuff about it though. They had times were they would play games, watch movies, read books, etc. This was very different from what I originally thought about these camps. I think that it is crazy that we were so against the concentration camps that the Nazi’s had but we were able to have internment camps of our own. Reading letters from the “Dear Miss Breed” stuff was fascinating. To be able to read what they were going through was wonderful to be able to put myself in that time and imagine that I was there. The people were so appreciative of the things that Miss Breed was doing for them like sending books and letters. Some even said that they enjoyed it in the camps because they didn’t have to rely on certain things and there was a strict schedule. Learning about this has really opened my eyes to the American past that we never truly talk about. The Internment camps were a big part of history during WWII and we seemingly always seem to just brush by it in history. Being able to learn about these was great to connect more dots about what went on in this time period.

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