Counting the Days

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This week in class we signed up to read some short stories. There was about four people per story. On Thursday, we all came together to make a Pecha Kucha about those stories. The story that I signed up to read was “Counting the days” by Emma Donoghue. It was about a journey of a man and a women who were separated. The man had migrated to Canada and the women was still in Ireland. The women had two kids with her as well. In the story she is traveling to go see him. He was a clerk at a store and was trying to build a life for them in Canada. Something that he never told her was that he began to get very sick. As she was traveling there he was beginning to fade quickly. By the time she got there he had died. She arrived to Canada and she eventually met another man. The woman married this man and they had seven kids together. They lived on together forever. This story helps me understand a little bit about the relationships that went on during this time of migration to North America. They knew it was best for them but, they struggled anyway because they had been apart for about a year.

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